Golden chicken ramen

My daughter Rachel is currently holidaying in Japan having an amazing time . She really loves her food , I hope I’ve had something to do with that. She said she had the best Ramen of her life in Tokyo. I have never made a Ramen so I thought I’d give it a go when I found a simplified recipe on instagram. An account I have mentioned before, emthenutritionist. I had cooked chicken left over from the previous evening so it really was simple to prepare . It was so filling and felt very healthy. Maybe not quite the real deal but certainly a start.

Recipe to serve 2
Itsu chicken ramen brilliant broth
Itsu classic ramen noodles
1 tsp turmeric
2 eggs
160g shredded cooked chicken
1 carrot
Few handfuls of kale
2 spring onions
Crispy chilli oil to serve

Place the eggs into boiling water for 6 minutes.
Place into ice water for 5 minutes, peel and set aside.
In a large pot, warm the Itsu chicken ramen brilliant broth over medium heat. As it begins to simmer, whisk in the turmeric. Keep on a gentle heat but avoid boiling.
While the broth warms up, julienne the carrot into thin strips, chop the kale and finely slice the spring onions.
In a separate pot, boil water and cook the Itsu classic ramen noodles according to the packet instructions. Drain them and set aside.
Add shredded cooked chicken to the chicken broth, followed by the julienned carrot and kale. Let the mixture simmer gently for about 5-7 minutes.
In individual serving bowls, place a portion of the cooked noodles. Ladle over the warm broth along with chicken, carrots, and kale. Slice the boiled eggs in half and position them on top the ramen. Sprinkle with the sliced green parts of the spring onions.

Finish with a generous drizzle of crispy chilli oil for an added kick.

The real deal


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