Life changes

My beautiful girl is off to University next month. How did that happen? We are all entering a new phase in our lives . Luckily for me and for her she isn’t too far away in Leeds, so I’m hoping that trips to see her will be quite regular. I’m worrying about what she’s going to eat, having cooked for all these years she hasn’t really acquired any of my interest in cooking apart from the odd cake now and then. How does someone develop a love of cooking? Mine certainly developed at around the age of sixteen and  probably stems from my Mum and her love of cooking . My Mum has changed now because she cooks for herself and no longer for my dad and it is no longer a pleasure, more of a necessity. Over the last year for me things have changed , family meals have become a rarer thing as each child is making their own way in the world. My son eats way too much junk food for my liking and my daughter spends a lot of time with her boyfriend and isn’t there for as many family meals as she used to be. But that’s ok because we have done what we can and when we are together things seem more special and I will make the effort to look for a new recipe and have a great meal together. Maybe one day they will get interested in cooking and I’ll be sitting down to a wonderful meal prepared by either one of them. Till then I’ll treasure the family meals that we still have. This evening the sun is shining  and I am delighted that both my children are with me. Don’t get me wrong we are not the perfect family and more often than not there will be squabbling at the meal table. That’s what makes us what we are though, squabbles and all and I’ve no doubt I’ll even miss that when there are only three of us at the table. 


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